SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.



Classes, Memberships and Training


30-Day Membership

We offer a monthly membership at the Center Fitness Club. This option allows for more flexibility, whether you are interested in a short-term membership to our facility or have family home for the holidays. The membership does NOT include personal training orientation, group exercise classes or guest passes.


Six-Month Membership

The six-month membership must run for six consecutive months. The membership does NOT include personal training orientation, group exercise classes or guest passes.

CFC Membership (Annual)

The twelve-month membership must run for twelve consecutive months. This membership includes access to the 4,500+ square foot fitness floor, the walking track, free weight area, functional training studio and group fitness studios (when class is not in session). The membership does NOT include personal training or group exercise classes.

Platinum Access Membership

A full Center Fitness Club Membership PLUS Unlimited Group Fitness Classes. It’s your CFC membership, all classed up! Group Fitness, whichever, whenever. Ask our Front Desk Staff for details.

2023 Resident Membership Fees

Single Couple Family Student
Initiation Fee $75 $105 $145 $75 $75 $105
CFC Membership
Annual fee, if paid in full $526 $794 $1,090 $366 $434 $588
Annual fee, if paid monthly $622 $926 $1,271 $449 $489 $688
Monthly payment (12 mo. min) $52/mo. $78/mo. $106/mo. $38/mo. $41/mo. $58/mo.
6 month membership $345 $495 $646 $240 $272 $380
Monthly membership $89
Daily Drop In Fee $17
10 Pack CFC Pass* $132
Platinum Membership (includes UNLIMITED access to Group Fitness Classes)
Annual fee, if paid in full $912 $1,499 $2,011 $715 $726 $1,151
Annual fee, if paid monthly $1,019 $1,563 $2,197 $794 $846 $1,257
Monthly payment (12 mo. min) $85/mo. $131/mo. $184/mo. $67/mo. $71/mo. $105/mo.

*Passes expire six months from date of purchase.

2022 Non-Resident Membership Fees

Single Couple Family Student
Initiation Fee $75 $105 $145 $75 $75 $105
CFC Membership
Annual fee, if paid in full $677 $1,031 $1,373 $406 $482 $706
Annual fee, if paid monthly $794 $1,164 $1,614 $503 $582 $834
Monthly payment (12 mo. min) $67/mo. $97/mo. $135/mo. $42/mo. $49/mo. $70/mo.
6 month membership $418 $609 $819 $268 $306 $419
Monthly membership $109
Daily Drop In Fee $19
10 Pack CFC Pass* $158
Platinum Membership (includes UNLIMITED access to Group Fitness Classes)
Annual fee, if paid in full $1,071 $1,740 $2,292 $795 $836 $1,273
Annual fee, if paid monthly $1,191 $1,918 $2,540 $886 $952 $1,429
Monthly payment (12 mo. min) $100/mo. $160/mo. $212/mo. $74/mo. $80/mo. $120/mo.

*Passes expire six months from date of purchase.

Membership Notes

  • The Platinum Membership includes club access PLUS unlimited access to our group fitness classes.
  • The six month membership must run for six consecutive months. There is no initiation fee. The membership does NOT include personal training orientation, group exercise classes or guest passes. Memberships are non-transferable.
  • All members must be 11 years of age or older. Youth 11-13 must be accompanied by an adult member when using the Center Fitness Club facilities. They must be part of a Family or Couple Membership.
  • All “Dailies” must be 18 years of age or older. Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • “Family” is defined as adult(s) and unmarried children, age 11-23, residing with adult(s). Young adults 24 and older, other relatives and/or individuals living in the same household are not included in Family Memberships.
  • “Couple” is defined as two adults, or one adult and one youth, 11-23, residing in the same household.
  • “Student” membership applies to age 14-23 only.
  • Monthly payment plans are available through Electronic Transfer of Funds from checking accounts only. It is a 12-month minimum commitment which then continues monthly until a 30-day written notification is received to stop membership.
Home » Classes, Memberships and Training

All class passes can be purchased through ClassBug.


Visit our Classbug web store

Purchase class packs or reserve your next class!

8_28_23 SmithGroupLangdon

How to use Classbug

Download specific instructions on how to use Classbug.

Group Fitness


Virtual Classes

We will continue to offer virtual options for members to join their favorite classes from home.


Indoor Classes

We are offering Indoor Group Fitness Classes to our members!

Current Class Policies

  • Max class participation: 15 members (*Max participation for Cycle classes = 12)
  • All participants MUST register for class in advance.
  • Face masks are optional at the Center Fitness Club and Park District facilities.
  • We ask that all members please wipe down equipment before and after class.
  • We highly encourage members bring their own mats to all outdoor fitness classes.

We are dedicated to you

The Center Fitness Club is proud to offer a variety of fitness classes to benefit your body and mind. Our classes are designed to provide workouts based on the latest fitness trends and research. All of our staff are professional, nationally certified, experienced instructors. We suggest you cross-train within our program by regularly attending a mixture of classes taught by different instructors. The benefits received from a consistent routine (3-4 times per week) are as follows:

  • Improved cardio-respiratory health
  • Reduced body fat
  • Increased muscular endurance
  • Increased metabolic rate
  • Increased bone density
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Increased flexibility
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Improved mind/body connection
GroupFit Passes

Designed to accommodate your active lifestyle!

Our Group Fitness Class Pack system is tailor-made to meet your exact class attendance needs. Purchase a 5-Class Pack or the Unlimited Class Pack–it is all based on your schedule and class attendance.

You do not have to be a member of the Center Fitness Club to take group exercise classes, however Center Fitness Club members receive a discount on all Group Fitness. You will be asked to show proof of membership to qualify for this discount. Group Fitness Class Passes expire twelve months from date of issue.

2023 Group Fitness Packages
Group Fit Package In-Person Virtual
Single/Daily $18 $13
5 pack $82 $67
Single/Daily $18 $13
5 pack $82 $67
10 pack $150 $123
20 Pack $274 $225
Unlimited CFC Member $600
Unlimited Non-Member Resident $741
Unlimited Non-Member Non-Resident $961
GroupFit Pass Guidelines
  • GroupFit Passes may be purchased online through ClassBug, or by contacting Liz Antman at They are non-transferable and expire twelve months from date of issue.
  • Senior discounts are not available on GroupFit Passes.
  • The Wilmette Park District reserves the right to cancel classes with continued low attendance and class schedules may be subject to change. We will update our website with any class changes or cancelations.
  • Our insurance coverage does not permit the presence of children under the age of 14 in Group Fitness classes. Thanks for your understanding.
  • Lori Brand
  • Chris Canning
  • Karen Champion
  • Lora Dubin
  • Stacy Hawks
  • Rachelle Leech
  • Marta Mandziuk
  • Allison Margolis
  • Cris Persico
  • Christine Quinn
  • Alison Rundall
  • Cheri Weber
Home » Classes, Memberships and Training

Launch into the New Year!

Joining or renewing in 2023? Sign up to join our special personal training promotion for the new year to LAUNCH your health and fitness goals in the right direction! This promotion exclusive for new & current members who are renewing their membership in 2023. What’s included:

Four 30-minute one-on-one Personal Training sessions tailored to your specific health and fitness goals for just $100 ($160 value)

Complete our Personal Training request form and the CFC team will match you with one of our certified Personal Trainers.

Must be used within 6 months of purchase.
Contact Liz Antman at to get started!

2023 Personal Training Fees

60-Minute Training Package Individual Partner
1 Session
3 Sessions
5 Sessions
10 Sessions
20 Sessions
*All Fitness Services for Personal Training expire six months from date of purchase.

Policies & Procedures

One-on-One Personal Training Specific Procedures

Center Fitness Club Manager Liz Antman will coordinate and book all sessions

Click here to email Liz and book a session.

Center Fitness Club Personal Training Guidelines:

  • Contact exercises such as boxing, sparring, wrestling, etc. are not permitted.
    • Drills related to such activities such as use of punching bags are allowed but equipment should be sanitized before and after each use
  • Members should clean and sanitize equipment (e.g., weights, treadmills, any hand-held equipment) before and after use
  • Equipment should not be shared between members at the same time
  • Participants should bring their own water bottle (water refill stations will be available inside the CFC, drinking fountains will not be available)
  • Locker Rooms and Washroom are open and available
  • Participants should arrive dressed in workout attire
  • Participants should avoid unnecessary touching facility accessories
  • Participants should use their own equipment (e.g., water bottle, gloves) as much as practical
  • Participants and employees should not shake hands, high five, or touch one another other than what occurs inadvertently during interactions


Our certified personal trainers are dedicated to bringing out the fit in everyone. The motivation and support of a personal trainer is key to achieving your fitness goals fast. Your trainer designs a fitness plan with your individual goals and interests in mind. As your fitness level changes, your trainer will make sure your plan evolves right along with you.

  • Marta Mandziuk, NESTA
  • Julie Lappas, ACE
  • Kensington Naze, ACE
  • Beth Colman
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