SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.



Freedom of Information Act

The Wilmette Park District is an autonomous governmental agency, responsible directly to the people through the election and referendum process. The District receives its operating authority from the Illinois Park District Code, (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 105, Sections 1 – 13). Through the Code, the Park District is empowered to levy taxes within specified limits, acquire and develop parks, build and operate recreation facilities and conduct recreation programs.

The Wilmette Park District is a special district of local government with its own financial and legal responsibilities, established in 1908 for the purpose of providing park and recreational opportunities to residents of the community and public at large. It is governed by seven elected Park Commissioners of Wilmette, who serve a four-year term without remuneration. Regular Board meetings are generally held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Please check with the main office for particulars (847) 256-6100.

How to File a Freedom of Information Act Request with the Wilmette Park District

  1.  Please make your request for records in writing. The Wilmette Park District does not require the completion of a standard form for this purpose, however a sample form is provided in a downloadable format. Click Here for a sample form. You may submit your written request by mail, fax or e-mail. Please direct your request to one of the individuals listed below.
  1.  Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking. Remember, the Freedom of Information Act is designed to allow you to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions. To the extent that you wish to ask questions of a representative of the Wilmette Park District, you may call our Administrative Office at (847) 256-6100 to be directed to the proper person.
  1. Please tell us whether you would like copies of the requested records, or whether you wish to examine the records in person. You have the right to either option.
  1. There is no fee for up to 50 pages of standard paper black and white, letter or legal size copies. For pages beyond 50, there is a .15-cent-per-page charge.
  • Color or Irregular Sized Copies: The fee for color or irregular sized copies shall be the actual cost incurred by the Park District for reproducing the records.
  • Certification of document: The fee for certification of a document shall be $1.00.
  • Records in Electronic Format: The fee charged for producing records in an electronic format shall be the actual cost incurred by the Park District for purchasing the recording medium.
  1. You are permitted to ask for a waiver of copying fees. To do so, please include the following statement (or a similar statement) in your written FOIA request: “I request a waiver of all fees associated with this request.” In addition, you must include a specific explanation as to why your request for information is in the public interest–not simply your personal interest–and merits a fee waiver.
  1. Please include your name, preferred telephone number(s), mailing address, and, if you wish, your electronic mail address.

Wilmette Park District Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 ILCS 14) Officers

FOIA Officer #1

Steve Wilson, Executive Director

Write to us

Phone Number

(847) 256-9617

FOIA Officer #2

Michelle Parson, Executive Administrative Assistant

Write to us

Phone Number

(847) 256-9610

FOIA Forms

Download a packet of Freedom of Information Act forms that include:

FOIA Request Form

FOIA Notice of Appeal

Notice of Extension of Time

Agreement to Extend Time Limits for FOIA Response

FOIA Notice of Intent to Deny Request for Records

FOIA Denial or Partial Denial of Request for Records

Frequently asked FOIA Questions

Changes to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) took place on January 1, 2010, in an effort to provide Illinois residents with a more open and accountable government. 

The Illinois Attorney General’s Office has prepared a document addressing Frequently Asked Questions by the Public which can be downloaded by Clicking here

IMRF Employer Cost & Participant Information

In 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act 101-0504 The law requires IMRF to post certain employer cost and participation information on its website. IMRF will update these reports annually.
To view the information on the IMRF website, Click Here
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