SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.



Gillson Dog Beach

Home » Lakefront/Gillson Park » Gillson Dog Beach

Picnic Area #1


Picnic Area #2


Picnic Area #3


Parking with
Wilmette Resident Decal or
Seasonal Beach Parking Decal


Picnic Pavillion


Parking with Daily Pass
or Seasonal Beach
Parking Decal


Parking with Daily Pass
or Seasonal Beach
Parking Decal


Picnic Area #4


General Parking

Dog Beach

Wilmette’s dog beach, located at the south end of Gillson Park, is a popular off-leash destination for many four-footed friends and their owners. Dogs must have a permit to use the Dog Beach. Please note: Dogs must be on leash at all times in Gillson Park while on their way to the dog beach.
Dog Beach Hours

Open Daily: 6 am-10:30 pm


To use the dog beach owners must purchase a permit for their dog.
2023 Dog Beach Permit Fees

Dog Beach applications can be processed at the Admin Office, Community Recreation Center and Lakeview during regular business hours. Applications may take up to 5 business days to process.


Permits go on sale annually on January 15 and are valid for a full year.


Permit tags must be presented each and every time you wish to enter the dog beach.


The Cook County Animal and Rabies Control Ordinance requires written proof of current vaccinations and an examination within the past year for any communicable diseases. Proof of a current rabies certificate is also required for permit purchase. The following inoculations/vaccines are required:

Dogs are also welcome to play off-leash in the large open area adjacent to West Park, located south of Lake and west of Laramie Avenues.


In ALL Wilmette parks, dogs must be on leash and owners are expected to clean up after their pet. Dogs are not permitted in tot lots, at the Wilmette Golf Club, in building interiors, at the outdoor pools, on the public swimming or sailing beaches, or in Gillson Park during special events such as Independence Day.

By Ordinance of the Wilmette Park District the following rules apply:

  1. Dogs are permitted in all Wilmette parks during regular park hours. Dogs must be on leash at all times. They must be under the control of a competent person and their leash may not exceed 10 feet. Owners are responsible for clean up.
  2. All dogs using designated off-leash play areas must have and wear a proper tag assigned to that dog.
  3. Dogs are NOT permitted in tot lots; at the Wilmette Golf Club; in building interiors; the outdoor pools; the public swimming or sailing beaches; or in Gillson Park during special events such as the Independence Day Celebration.
  4. The Cook County Animal and Rabies Control Ordinance requires written proof of current vaccinations including distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, bordetella and a negative fecal test, along with an examination within the past year for any communicable diseases. Proof of a current rabies certificate is also required for permit purchase.
  5. Owners who fail to clean up after their dog(s) are subject to fines and loss of access privileges.
  6. Dogs who exhibit aggressive behavior will lose access privileges to the play areas.
  7. Dog owners/handlers must be at least 14 years old or a freshman in high school.
  8. Daily access hours for dog play area adjacent to West Park are sunrise to sundown year-round.
  9. Failure of dog owners to follow any and all rules, including keeping the designated areas clean, may result in loss of privileges for all users.
  10. Swimming at the Dog Beach is for DOGS ONLY. Owners are not allowed to swim with their pets.
Fines for violating these rules:
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