SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


Seasonal Program Guide: Late Fall Explore Online

Late Fall Landing image 2

Welcome to Late Fall at the Wilmette Park District! Registration will begin at 10 am on:

  • Tuesday, October 3 for Wilmette residents
  • Tuesday, October 10 for non-residents

Classes begin the week of October 23. Be sure to check out our Special Events calendar for all your favorite fall celebrations – and click the button below to view our Explore Flipbook!

Center for the Arts Programs

Programs in Art, Dance, Music and Theater for all ages.

General Recreation Programs

Our “etcetera” group of special classes, workshops and events. In Gen Rec, you’ll find dog obedience classes, magic workshops and chess classes, to name a few.


Classes for children of all ages, and adults too!

Ice Skating & Hockey

Multi-level ice skating and hockey classes.

Lakefront & Lakeview Center Programs

Gillson Beach and Park, and the newly renovated Lakeview Center offer an array of exceptional programs for many interests!


The Mallinckrodt Center hosts adult classes from fitness to games to painting, plus special adventures and events!

Platform Tennis

Classes, lessons and leagues for men, women, co-ed and youth at the Wilmette Platform Tennis Club.

Sports Programs

From archery to volleyball, and everything in between!


The Wilmette Tennis Club provides group and individual instruction year-round.

Winter Break Camps

View all of our seasonal Break Camps in one place. Plan a fun break and get the coverage you need!

Platform Tennis

Classes, lessons and leagues for men, women, co-ed and youth at the Wilmette Platform Tennis Club.


The Wilmette Tennis Club provides group and individual instruction year-round.

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