SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


Gillson Master Landscape Plan Survey #2

Help us develop Gillson’s Master Landscape Plan!

We’re seeking public input on the Gillson Park Landscape Master Plan. The goal of the Plan is to enhance the park’s natural areas, protect existing high-quality trees and shrubs, and preserve existing open spaces.

We recently held a second open house, where we discussed the current state of the plan. Project goals and a proposed planting list were shared with the public and discussed. Click HERE to view this information, or visit the project page for more info.

In case you didn’t make it to the open house, here’s your chance to share your thoughts in our second survey!

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