SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.



Gymnastics Programs – Spring 2023

Spring 2023 Gymnastics Programs

To register, click on the class title to enter our Registration Portal for specific date, time and fee information.

Age 1.5-3.3

An adult/child introduction to gymnastics. Each class begins with a group warm-up activity, followed by coach-guided activities on floor exercise, trampoline, bars, rings and balance beam. The focus of the class is on developing the child’s physical skills, flexibility, body awareness and strength. Tots must have reached 1.5 years of age before enrollment. Classes run most days of the week; assorted times available

Age 3-6

The Wilmette Park District’s gymnastics staff emphasize confidence and progress. Gymnasts are encouraged to develop new physical skills while gaining strength, flexibility and coordination. Children must be age 3 at the start of the program. Classes run most days of the week; assorted times available

Children progress developmentally through skill-based lesson plans and become more comfortable performing gymnastics skills independently. A portion of these classes are held after school for those gymnasts enrolled in full-day Kindergarten. Children must be age five at the start of the program. Classes run every day of the week; assorted times available

The gymnastics gym is the perfect place to bring your MINI NINJA to acquire those basic skills. Learn to flip, roll, jump and climb like a true ninja! We will utilize our specialized ninja equipment, trampolines and soft mats for our minis. Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons

Grade 1 & up


Our Gymnastics staff teaches fundamental gymnastics for all Olympic events. Classes run most days of the week; assorted times available


Our Gymnastics staff teaches fundamental gymnastics for all Olympic events. Wednesday, Thursday or Friday afternoons
The primary focus of this class is to learn tumbling skills, from handstands and cartwheels to back handsprings and back tucks. Friday evenings


These skill-based classes are for focused, more advanced gymnasts. Gymnastics staff will monitor the progress of all students, and recommend advancement to these classes when appropriate. Assorted days/times available

Age 18 & up

Age 18 & up
Why let the kids have all the fun? Now it’s your turn! We lead our Adult participants through various flexibility and strengthening exercises, while learning basic skills on all men’s and women’s Olympic gymnastics events…and trampoline. Monday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings

Gymnastics Class Faqs

Where are Wilmette Gymnastics classes held?
Classes are held at the Community Recreation Center at 3000 Glenview Road in Wilmette. The gymnastics gym is located on the back of the building (north side). It is most directly accessible from the back parking lot by following the long walkway between the buildings to the gymnastics lobby.
Where do we meet at the beginning of gymnastics class?
Classes meet in the gymnastics lobby. Our coaches will greet the gymnasts at the door when class begins.
What should my child wear?
Your child should wear tight fitting clothing or leotards. Please avoid clothing that is restrictive to movement or that has buttons or zippers. Hair should be secured tightly, and bare feet are best!
What should my child bring?
Your child should bring a mask, water bottle and lots of enthusiasm to learn!
Where can I place other belongings during class?
We have lockers in the gymnastics lobby for storing personal belongings during class. Please avoid leaving valuables in the lockers. Shoes can be placed in the lockers; boots can be placed on the mats near the gym lobby doors.
Can I bring siblings to class?
All children in class must be registered. Siblings and unregistered children will not be allowed in the gymnastics area during class.
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