SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.
SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.
SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.
May 3, 2023
Project Parks and Play Survey Results to be Presented to Board at Next Meeting; Residents Invited to Hear Results and Ask Questions
For months the Park District has asked residents to provide feedback during open houses, discussion groups and the resident survey as part of the Comprehensive and Strategic planning process – Project Parks and Play: Explore the Possibilities. And the results are finally in!
More than 1,200 residents (a better-than-industry-standard 12% response rate) took the survey with 88 percent of respondents indicating they have a favorable opinion of the Wilmette Park District. The Park District’s ratio of favorable to unfavorable scores is 11:1!
Representatives from BerryDunn and aQity – consultants leading the process – will present the methodology, trends and additional results at the next Wilmette Park District Board Meeting on Monday, May 8 at 7:30 p.m. Residents are invited to hear the presentation and ask questions about the process and steps moving forward.
Monday, May 8
7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers at Wilmette Village Hall
1200 Wilmette Avenue
You may also view a Regular Board meeting live or access a recording of a previous meeting.
Want a sneak peek at another insight? There continues to be strong demand for trails and natural areas for public use.
Join us on Monday, May 8 for more insights!
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
Enriching the quality of community life through creative programming for people of all ages and abilities, while protecting open spaces and natural resources for future generations.
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