SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


SEPTEMBER 20: Administration Office Closed - Our Administration Office at Village Hall will be closed starting at 1:30 pm through the remainder of the day, 9/20.


Mallinckrodt Center Rentals

1041A Ridge Rd., Wilmette


Capacity: 15-80 people



Meskill Room, Wood Floor Room, library, small meeting room

Mallinckrodt Center Rentals

The Mallinckrodt Center is located in a historic 1916 building set amidst our own peaceful 14-acre Mallinckrodt Park in the heart of Wilmette. 1041A Ridge Rd., Wilmette.


Our convenient, accessible, public parking is located directly adjacent to the facility entrance.


For more reservations and available dates please call us at (847) 256-9623 or email Lisa Sullivan at


Additional Notes:

  • Liquor Liability Insurance: $175
  • There is a two hour minimum for evening and weekend rentals.
  • Cancellations less than 30 days prior to the date will be assessed a service fee.

Provided with Indoor Rentals:

  • Chairs, along with your choice of long tables, round table, conference tables or card tables.

Click Here to download our rental brochure.

Mallinckrodt Rentals

Meskill Room Full

80 people

Our large conference room is the perfect space for meetings, celebrations and parties. The full room is available for rent, with or without the adjacent kitchen at an additional charge. Tables and chairs can be set up to meet your seating needs.

Additional Features:

  • Sound system & AV equipment
  • Kitchen: $40 flat fee
  • Gazebo: Available for additional charge with room rental – contact for details
  • Outdoor Patio: No additional charge with room rental

Weekday Rate: $95/hour

Evening & Weekend Rate: $116/hour

Wood Floor Room

24 people

Additional Features:
Gazebo: Available for additional charge with room rental – contact for details
Outdoor Patio: No additional charge with room rental

Weekday Rate: $50/hour

Evening & Weekend Rate: $63/hour


15 People

Our library is an intimate space with lounge chairs and tables — a great option for small group meetings. Additional tables and chairs can be set up to meet your seating needs.

Additional Features:

Gazebo: Available for additional charge with room rental – contact for details
Outdoor Patio: No additional charge with room rental

Weekday Rate: $50/hour

Evening & Weekend Rate: $63/hour

Small Meeting Room

15 People

Our small meeting room is a great space for small gatherings, meetings, celebrations and parties. Tables and chairs can be set up to meet your seating needs.

Additional Features:

Gazebo: Available for additional charge with room rental – contact for details
Outdoor Patio: No additional charge with room rental

Weekday Rate: $40/hour

Evening & Weekend Rate: $50/hour

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